Sunday, January 8, 2012


Younger Daughter has been asking for a few weeks to have her hair cut. It looks so pretty long, but it has a big tendency to tangle and snarl. We told her to wait til after Christmas and then I'd cut it.

Well, it's after Christmas, and she's still been asking for it to be cut up to her chin. I kept asking her if she's sure, and she continued to say yes. She's had her hair cut this short before and it looks cute on her, but once it's cut, it's cut, so I want to make double, triple, centuple? (100x's) sure.

After church this morning I got out the scissors (and my camera) and cut her pretty brown locks.

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Another before shot
Isn't it pretty?

Drumroll, please ...

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It looks a bit choppy in the after pics, but Younger Daughter took a bath after I finished cutting it to wash her hair and wash all the hair snippets off. Now that her hair is dry again, she's got just enough natural wave in her hair that the wave combined with the bit of layering I did on the bottom makes it curve under nicely and not look choppy. Pretty cute, I think!

1 comment:

Bebbie said...

WOW, what a difference.... the short hair brings out her beautiful chocolate eyes and her smile. Her hair long was nice, but thats all you noticed... now you see her! :) and what a wonderful "her" she is, I AM NOT PREJUDICED! NOT AT ALL!