Wednesday, January 25, 2012


"B" is the letter for this week's photo challenge over at ABC Wednesday.

025-366 120125-03 cr

To see more "B" photos or to play along, go to ...


Roger Owen Green said...

never had a brother; wonder how life would have been.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

TheChieftess said...

Great shot of "Brothers"!!! Thanks for visiting Mammoth Lakes DP!!!

Kim, USA said...

Ohh that is so sweet! Thanks for the visit and I am a new follower.

Letter B

Reader Wil said...

Great to see brothers getting on so well with each other! Thanks for the visit! On behalf of the ABC Wednesday team.

mrsnesbitt said...

I think one has the look of a young Prince William!

Denise ABC Team

Sivinden said...

That's a great portrait!

Wanda said...

darling boys.... I have one brother 10 years younger than me.

That picture is priceless, for sure.

Anonymous said...

Great pic! Do they always get along so well?