Friday, November 11, 2011

A Photo Session in Two Parts: Part 1

This was my first time taking pictures for a family that I didn't know beforehand. They were referred to me by a friend and one of my past customers.

What a sweet family they are!

We had to do this photo session in two parts because we did it pretty early in the morning, and it was still very chilly out. The boys were real troopers, but the cold was too much for the baby girl, so we rescheduled her pictures for a couple days later. (View photos from the rescheduled session.)

Here are some shots from the first day.

111028-01 sep cr

111028-04 bw cr

111028-10 cr

111028-14 cr

111028-18 cr

111028-12 cr

111028-20 sep cr

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